About Certification

Our Character Education Certification program is designed to meet the needs of all Educators/Trainers/Counselors who are interested in the teaching of Values and the building of Character in kids and youths.

This Certification program is for anyone who wants to up their credentials and take their Character Education skills to a higher level of effectiveness.      

Candidates who have successfully completed this program will be issued  a :

Character Education Practitioner Certificate

jointly signed

by Mr Ken Fisher, Founder,

Abraham Lincoln Center for Character Development


by Professor Thomas Lickona, PhD, famous Award-Winning Author,  who is also a winner of Sanford N McDonnell Lifetime Achievement Award in Character Education,  the highest award given in Character Education.   


The practitioner certificate is obtained after two Core Workshops are completed  (either by watching our eVideo online, or attend our ‘live’ lessons, or both).   These workshops incorporate the basic tenets of Character Development and instructions on successful implementation.     Each workshop is designed to provide the foundation theory and knowledge about Character Education and to offer proven strategies and best practices for incorporating Character Education into classroom settings, schools or organizational settings.

By completing a real-life project on-the-job, by following our mentorship program and by completing a final essay report,  candidates get to :  apply the knowledge gained from the workshops,  gather new information,  overcome difficulties and find workable solutions when integrating Character Building strategies into classrooms, schools or work settings.

By earning this Certification,  you will build your expertise and advance your career as a trained and experienced Character Education Teacher/Counselor,  who will not only teach academic subjects,  but also teach Values & help build Character.    You will also be taking the lead in creating smart and good classroom or schools,  assist in creating a people-oriented learning & caring community where moral values count.

Explore the benefits of certification with us —and start your journey to attaining your dream career : a Teacher and a professional  who truly impacts lives.

  For More Information,  Download Flyer HERE

Contact Us : admin@Character-Institute.com  or  Phone (65) 6546 5801  


Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.    -  Unknown